It seemed that time was running out and was unfortunately not on our side, and therefore the finishing touches of our video needed to be finalised. In most cases, there would have been approximately 3 drafts, however as we have already discussed, we wanted to perfect the first draft thus spending far longer on the first draft than probably needed in order to allow for minimal changes on our video after feedback.
The feedback which we received from our teachers and our form class were easily solved and manageable.
Problem: Again, one media teacher commented on the first 40 seconds looking like a short film. Especially the display of the artist and song name across the screen.
Solution: We will put the titles along the bottom (instead of over the top of the footage) and immediately it will connote a music video.
Because of this, we very reluctantly decided to remove the existing titles; 'Passion Pit' and 'Constant Conversations'. We then decided that we would just use the traditional display of the artist and song title - in the bottom left-hand corner, which is of course, a convention of music videos anyway.
Ultimately, this removes the 'documentary' feel to the music video.
Problem: No record label
Solution: Put at the end of the video
For this, we needed to go back over our initial record label research in order to discover who is responsible for our artist - Passion Pit. In which, we discovered that Columbia Records, which is a conglomerate of Sony Music Entertainment. Therefore we decided to put a black screen at the end displaying the record company.
Problem: A few lip synching shots were out of time
Solution: Re-time them in Final Cut
For this, we just shortened or lengthened each clip as necessary and moved each one forward or backward by several frames in order to match the duration of the lyrics. This did however, take a while because most of the lip synching shots were actually fine so it became more difficult to find the ones which were not fine. However, of course, we did eventually find the out of synch ones and made sure that they were now in synch.
After most of the final editing was finished, we decided that we wanted to connote the 'film look' despite this being a music video, and despite being previously told to take things out of the video because it was too 'documentary' like - we wanted this look. The main thing we wanted to add was a 'letter box', which is essentially two black bars - one at the top and one at the bottom of the screen. This then gives the video a more cinematic feel to it and adds a touch of professionality.
In order to do this, we simply cropped the footage by 65.0 px on the top and bottom and it then revealed the black background underneath. However, one problem we encountered was that some of the clips needed to be moved higher or lower in order to ensure that nothing important was cropped out. For example; on the final shot, half of the girl's head was obscured by the black bar, so we therefore needed to move the footage lower to make the rest of her head visible and so that it doesn't look tacky and careless.
The final change made was that we decided to extend the smile at the end of the video for another 5 frames. The reason we did this was because when showing the video around for feedback, a few people hadn't actually noticed the smile at the end, so therefore if we extended it's duration then people should hopefully notice the smile.