Wednesday, 26 November 2014


In order to test out our music video skills, learning how to use a camera properly and editing on final cut software, we had to shoot our own swede to our own choice of song. For my swede, we chose to do our swede to the song 'Call Me Maybe'. However resources were limited as it was supposed to be a low-budget swede and therefore the outcome of our swede was not of the highest quality nor professionalism. Although, producing this swede was a great indicator of any errors we made throughout the process and therefore will now recognise these mistakes and be sure not to repeat them when with the final product.

One of the major problems we specifically encountered was when it came to the editing of our swede. The problem was that we realised we had not filmed enough footage and therefore had to cut the time span of the video short. Once realising this problem, it was important to note down that for the final product that more than enough footage should be recorded so that there aren't any problems when it comes to the editing of the video and that there is no shots missing which were supposed to be there. 

Leading on from this problem, another problem was that we hadn't planned the swede out properly. For example; we didn't create a story board for the swede, nor did we calculate the exact timing of each shot. This therefore resulted in a poor outcome and the final product was not of the quality which we would have initially liked it to have been. Therefore, it is important that we do create a storyboard for our music video and have everything carefully planned out way in advance. 

One other problem encountered was that none of us took the swede very seriously and there was a lot of mucking around and therefore resulted in a huge lack of concentration and actual work being done. Due to the lack of efficient and effective work actually being produced, this showed me that for our final product we must be more punctual, organised and also get down to work straight away and cut out the mucking around or having a laugh.

Looking back at the outcome and process of the Swede, there are many mistakes which were made that I will now make sure I don't repeat with our final product.

Lip Syncing:

When filming the swede, it was important to master the art of 'lip syncing'. The swede required the main character to lip sync, and this needed to be done effectively and as accurately as possible so that it looks most effective. This required the main character to learn the words to the song (in this case 'Call Me Maybe') and then to lip sync along to the song.

We did encounter various problems in the process of creating our swede in regard to lip syncing. The first problem which we encountered was to make sure that the main character knew all the words to the song. It took the main character various days to learn the words so that the lip syncing would be most effective. Another problem which we stumbled across was when it came to the editing stage of our swede, the problem was that the lip syncing wasn't completely in time to the lyrics of the song. This therefore meant that lots of editing had to be done in order to master the timing of the lip syncing. From this exercise I have learnt how important it is to master lip syncing to the best accuracy possible in order to fulfil the most effective and professional looking video.

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